Op woensdag 3 december 2003 18:58, schreef Donald Henson:
On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 09:47, James Ogley wrote:
rpm ftp://mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/9.0-i386 update security base packman usr-local-bin suser-rbos rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/9.0-i386 update security base
They look fine to me, possibly the file list on mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de hasn't been built correctly, it works if you use the usr-local-bin repository on ftp.gwdg.de --
Success. However...
I switched usr-local-bin to the ftp.gwdg.de respository, updated my package list, and searched for abiword. The same problem occurred, i.e., I could see the tools & plugins but not abiword itself. Again, I used the next button which dutifully highlighted the next tools package but when I got to the end of that list, nothing further was displayed. As I was trying to think of what to try next, I clicked on the next category, "Applications/Publishing" and, lo and behold, there was abiword in all its glory. It appears there is a bug in the Synaptic search function. I'm trying to subscribe to their devel list so I can report the bug. Thanks for your help.
Don Henson
The search functionality seems flacky indeed. The synaptic development list is: synaptic-devel@nongnu.org. It is a very active and open list, so don't hesitate to file your bug there! -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless