On Saturday 30 March 2002 04:36 am, Richard Bos wrote:
Op zaterdag 30 maart 2002 04:23, schreef Landy orman:
the easiest way is to get redcarpet and let redcarpet install what you need for evolution. it worked for me
Not completely true. Since apt is available for suse (7.3), there are now 2 very easy ways to get software installed. The advantage of apt is that it will install the suse version of evolution. apt will sort out all the dependend packages for you, download and install them. Only 2 commands are involved: apt-get update and apt-get install evolution.... For details about apt goto http://apt4rpm.sourceforge.net, read the manual and the repository reference page (apt-rpm reps).
After installing apt you can keep your system up to date with again only 2 commands: apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
This sounds VERY interesting. I'm going to attempt this route. Thanks, Anthony