On 2024-05-09 17:10:41 bent fender wrote:
Thu, 9 May 2024 15:58:53 -0500
J Leslie Turriff via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> :
Oh, yes, right on their primary page they tout themselves as "Firefox Browsers; Get the browser that puts your privacy first — and always has"; but then there's Mozilla Privacy Policy<https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/> where their real policy is obfuscated.
Before Google bought it Youtube allowed one to have several unlinked accounts (which is a must nowadays) but as soon as Google bought them out they put an end to that. Mozila is doing the same for similar if not identical reasons and IMO the entire 'unwielding' (read not EASILY managable in a file manager) profile circus is a part of it.
Yes. I never use any of the social media sites as login credentials for other sites. I still have a Facebook account, but hardly ever use it because it's so user unfriendly. I use both privacy-badger and privacy-possum in Firefox, and privoxy as an external adblocker. If you look through the about:config entries in Firefox there are an amazing number of URLs to be disabled in pursuit of privacy. I strongly resent Mozilla's practice of hiding configuration controls there, giving them nonsensical names, and refusing to document their meanings; this is the way to make a user-friendly software package? Leslie -- Platform: Linux Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.5 - x86_64