23 Dec
23 Dec
Dear girls and guys, I have installed SUSE 10.0 and after that Netscape 7.2, WordPerfect 8 for Linux, Lyx and Gimp. Every time I start up the system now the icons for these applications have changed. Also when I use Konquerer all files in, for instance, /bin , /lib, /sbin and /usr/share/lyx/doc show changed icons. My system is: AMD K7 1200MHz Athlon 266MHz MSI-K7T-266-Pro VIA-KT266 socket-A GEFORGE-2 MX-200 32MB AGP + TV-Out LG CDRW 16x10x40x DDR-DRAM 512 MB NEC ZIP drive DVD drive PHILIPS TRUST AMI MOUSE Serial I 'm curieus how to solve this Thanks, André den Oudsten