On Sunday 02 April 2006 07:46 am, Steven T. Hatton wrote:
I'm still confused as to what product offerings will be available in the future. I've been using SuSE linux since 5.2, and have purchased the Professional distribution with every release. Looking over the website, I don't see it offered anymore. Can someone please clarify what the future of the traditional SuSE Linux distribution will be?
I am sure someone can, but then it will be argued about, misdirected, the poster beaten, abused, and persuated to dunk his/her head in a vat of toxic waste before the list (using the L reply-to feature) will finallycome to an agreement right in time for Novell to decide (while at a very expensive bar in Boston) that the names should be changed once again. HTH!! -- kai - www.perfectreign.com www.livebeans.com - the new NetBeans community 43...for those who require slightly more than the answer to life, the universe and everything.