Hello list! I just installed opensuse 10.1 X86_64 on my new Athlon 64 base system, 160GB sata II 3GB drive and I am not seeing what I perceive as a speed demon. On my Athlon XP 1800 with 10.1 and all updates applied when (for example) I click on the terminal icon in kde it takes roughly ~3 sec. to open and have a terminal I can type in. On this new system it takes about the same amount of time, this is one of those places that I thought I would see a noticeable time difference as in I would click the icon and would have seemingly instaneous opening of the terminal. I notice the same thing with other apps which I would have thought would be extremely faster but I am not seeing the performance difference I expected. Still 4 to 5 seconds to open the gimp, 7 to 8 seconds to open openoffice writer. I have loaded all of the optimized defaults in the bios and 512Mb of pc3200 ram. Maybe I am was just deluding myself and built myself up for an extremely fast machine, one that would pale my athlon xp machines by comparison. Is there something that I should have/could have done during the installation that is affecting the performance? Did I miss something? TIA John -- Registered Linux User 263680, get counted at http://counter.li.org