On Wednesday 14 December 2005 16:39, B Stia wrote:
Mark A. Taff wrote:
On Tuesday 13 December 2005 15:14, B Stia wrote:
...<snip some>......
Now, the system will boot into SuSE but will drop back to a command prompt. I can log in as root and cd into any of my directories, including /var and then -ls to see what is in there. All OK. But when I cat etc/fstab the /var line is not there. The old directory /partition which I deleted remains in that file. Sooo, I am pretty sure (hopefully) that if I can edit fstab I can make it OK again.
That is because the repair tool put /var on the / partition, instead of on it's own partition. So you do not need an fstab line to mount a partition that doesn't exist. ;-) As another poster said, adding another disk, then `rsync`ing /home over to the new disk is a great way to add room to a system. I weekly rsync every /home on my network to an old PII machine as a painless easy backup. vi has two modes, a command mode and an insert mode (text mode). The command `i` begins text mode, and `[esc]` ends text mode. See: http://www.collaborium.org/onsite/venezuela/docs/linux/linux_guides/vi/#basi... for a basic tutorial. Seems like the major issue now is that you can't get a gui started. If that is so, try `telinit 5` as a first whack to see if you get lucky. Failing that, `startkde` The output from startkde should give you some indication of where the issue is. <snip>
Oh yes, I realize that. Thought I knew what I was doing but screwed up anyway.
Bob S.
PS going to start a new thread for trying to make vi (vim) work for me.
HTH, Mark