On 09/10/2018 01.47, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op dinsdag 9 oktober 2018 00:30:50 CEST schreef Carlos E. R.:
On 08/10/2018 17.15, Liam Proven wrote:
On 07/10/2018 17:42, Albert Oszkó wrote:
Probably many of you got a warning from Dropbox that from this November it will only support ext4 filesystems (from the linux world). Unfortunately my two most used computers have XFS filesystem, so I am in a bit trouble.
Before moving - to my regret - to something other cloud storage, I would like to ask your opininon: how do you manage this question. Google drive would be an obvious choice, but I still do not know of a decent linux client.
Just in case it helps:
https://metabubble.net/linux/how-to-keep-using-dropbox-even-if-you-dont-us e-unencrypted-ext4-workaround/ Interesting find.
This is basically create a loop mounted ext4 filesystem on a file, and mount it as ~/Dropbox, instead of the previous ~/Dropbox directory. Interesting.
Other combinations would then be possible, but in the end result in having to use ext4 with them. At least on the directory they use. And all this effort to be able to use a service, that's stated it doesn't care **** about linux users. Not even sorry, but not me. Don't want me as a customer? Clear, done. I honestly don't understand why this is such a big issue all over the web. Dropbox has been clear, they don't want / respect linux users. So, bye Dropbox. FWIW, I still had an account, which I unsubscribed from with the above reasoning. They don't care, I don't care.
I don't use it, but there are people out there that 'have' to use it. And of those a good number are affected but can make do with this "trick". For what it's worth, they also only support one of Windows filesystems of the few in existence. There are many technologies out there that Linux users have to use despite whatever company not caring. Nvidia, anyone? So yes, it is a big issue to many. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.0 (Legolas))