On Wednesday 13 November 2002 1:40 pm, Fergus Wilde wrote:
I live in Manchester, England, where overheating is scarcely a problem, and unfortunately have had a couple of the hard locks you I live in Sheffield, England which is even cooler ;o) Have a look at IRQs being assigned automatically by the BIOS. I found that I had "hard lockups" which actually weren't [occasionaly interrupts would get through, but it appeared to lock hard otherwise] and I found that by actually specifying the interrupts in the BIOS [Assigning a specific IRQ to an INT] rather than letting it "automatically" decided [I chose figures based on looking at the alt+F10 message screen upon bootup] that if I specified the IRQs the hardware wants [as close as possible] then the lockups don't happen.
Just a thought. :o) Jon