On 12/19/23 15:07, David C. Rankin wrote:
It's a good question, and like I said, I haven't revisited NTP in more than a decade, so this is going from where things were circa 2010.
I have been running NTP for many years and never seen that. My previous question, several years ago, was about why I was seeing both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic with my server. At that time, that was all I was seeing. There was nothing to any other NTP server. As for distance to the server, there is some math that goes on to determine the transit time. Here's the algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocol#Clock_synchronization_al... This isn't causing problems (I hope) but it just seems strange that a server I haven't configured is being used. Yeah, I'm aware having multiple sources improves accuracy, but I'm already using 6, 3 stratum 1, on my firewall.