Oliver Ob wrote:
Can you post your disk configuration (i.e. partitions and where is the linux located)?
Ok, error: VFS: Cannot open root revice 03:02 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:02
I think that lilo thinks you have the kernel in a place where the kernel is not really at.
My / is located /dev/hda2
Are you sure lilo is pointing to the right "root", and you built in IDE support?
My system is an IDE only one. Lilo points to root as to boot=/dev/hda image=/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2
yes - the driver for your IDE hardrive (device 03:07 is /dev/hda7, see ls -l /dev/hda7)
I think you don't need explicit IDE support.
Apply rdev to the kernel giving the root device. man rdev, I'm not sure about the syntax.
What you mean?
Make sure the System.map file in /boot/ is the right one. Then, # rdev /boot/vmlinuz /dev/hda2 That should work If not, try (when appropiate) # <previous makes> # make bzlilo # <make the modules part> # cp /vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz.2 # mv /System.map /boot/ # <add /boot/vmlinuz.2 to the lilo.conf file> # lilo # rdev /boot/vmlinuz /dev/hda Though I think it should work right with only rdev. Cheers, m2