Ralph Ellis wrote:
Failsafe mode with no graphics. I logged in as root, ran YAST and when I went to change the graphics card configuration, the SAX system immediately suggested a configuration. I accepted this configuration without changing it, saved and rebooted. The SAX system correctly changed the acceleration to 3D, disabled the option for a second display, altered some font sizes and reset the AGP handling from the Agpgart system that Suse usually uses to its own setup.
Lucky you. I have tried ati 8.25.18 driver on my HP nx7010 laptop (Mobility Radeon 9200) and my desktop with Radeon 8500DV, and neither could be done. On laptop, I tried to download smaller rpm for x.org only and afer installation all I got is totaly garbled screen, with some out-of-range frequencies, "destroyed" all text consoles (either when I start with vga=normal, or vga=0x"some graphic mode"). All I could do is power off and back on, and return to original X.org driver. On desktop, I tried with larger (34.5MB) .run file, created rpm for SuSE 10.1, instaled it, and after starting "sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx"(as instructed in README.SuSE) screen switches to graphic mode, I can move mouse for about 3 seconds and then the machine freezes. All I can do is push reset button. On third PC, with a generic Nvidia FX 5200 based card, everything "just happened" as it was supposed, Xgl is working great. Any ideas about ATI are welcome, because I just cannot change laptop nor graphic card in desktop :( Good luck to everybody Sinisa Bandin