"Jeffery S.Norman" wrote:
David Kramer <david@kramer.ne.mediaone.net> wrote:
That sucks. If they knew it wasn't working in 6.2 why would they put it in 6.3?
Yes, it does. About as much as Yast 2 refusing to recognize large SCSI hard drives!
Could I use dhcpcd-1.3.17pl5-2.i386.rpm without recompiling the kernel? What else would I have to change going from dhclient to dhcpcd?
Yes. You should just be able to say "no" to all the dhclient options in /etc/rc.config or from Yast setup as a static ip, and just initiate dhcpcd by typing (as root): "dhcpcd eth0". Of course, it doesn't work for me (see my numerous other posts) but others have reported much success with this method. Btw., getting dhclient version 3 is not all that hard either. Compile of the dhclient software was just "make ; make install" and then when you try to run dhclient it tells you the two networking options that need to be compiled into the kernel. Why SuSE left these options out of the standard kernel is a mystery to me.
I'm not afraid of the "make ; make install", I'm afraid of the kernel recompile. As I said, all my mail will bounce until I get the bootup, kernel, network, dhcp, firewall, and sendmail all working. My hope is their "20 minute install" takes less than 1.5 hours if I format and partition the drive ahead of time (I'm installing on a different hard drive so I can scram the mission by hooking up the old one and rebooting). I guess the part that I still don't know is at some point in the boot process, the networking services will be available, and I need to have a script run dhcpcd eth0. Then, as soon as possible after I get my new lease on life, I need to have a script redo the routing table (something I'm not good at- or does dhcpcd do that?) then start the firewalling. What would I put where to make that happen? Thanks for your help and your patience. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/