My SuSE 6.3 box is now correctly using NIS to obtain it's automount maps. Here's the scoop: client, /etc/auto.master +auto.master /home auto.home client, /etc/auto{.,_}home no such files erver (In my case running Solaris 2.6), /etc/auto_master /home auto_home -nobrowse erver, /etc/auto_home aix moby:/export/aix data moby:/export/data Having +auto.master in the auto_master or +auto.home in the auto_home files doesn't seem to make any difference, although it appears to me to be unnecessary (as someone pointed out), so I removed those entries from the server maps. It doesn't matter whether the server uses auto_home or auto.home to reference the map; there's a sed line in the autofs script to deal with that part so you don't have to worry about that bit of compatibility. In /etc/rc.config, USE_NIS_FOR_AUTOFS=yes is necessary. I also placed it at the beginning of my autofs script so that var is definitely set when I run it by hand. Never forget that set -x exec 2>/tmp/foo.log set 1>&2 Is invaluable in trying to debug scripts. If you stop and restart the automounter by hand (not using the autofs script), make sure you do kill -15. This gives the automounter an opportunity to close itself down cleanly. Sometimes even with clean shutdown the file /var/lock/subsys/automount is left on the system. If this file exists, the automounter will think it's already running and will not restart. If you know the automounter is dead, rm /var/lock/subsys/automount before attempting any restart to make sure this doesn't bite you.
Under redhat if the file /etc/auto.master exists autofs and amd won't be fired with yp only files. Check you rc script that starts your auto stuff to see how it behaves.
This is not the case under SuSE. Lynette Bellini Systems Administrator University of Minnesota -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at