måndag 04 oktober 2004 22:52 skrev Anders Johansson:
I was in fact being sarcastic. Should I have used a smiley?
Örn claimed earlier in the thread that all exploits ever produced were created by people with direct access to the source code, a claim which is clearly wrong. It is propagating the Redmond party line, and it has been debunked a million times over by people far more eloquent than I, but apparently Örn has missed all that.
Don't tell people, what I said ... don't start putting words in my mouth here. What you may or may not have understood, is your own personal matter and does not concern me. What I stated, is and was, that the script kiddie explanation of these exploits is, was and always will be bogus. You need far more in depth knowledge, than a script kiddie has. Which you so conveniently helped me prove, by your well thought out link ... thanks.