I'm running into issues with kavi2svcd. Sometimes when I run it to convert an AVI to MPEG, it doesn't work right. If I come back to the computer while it is running, and my monitor has gone into powersave mode, when I hit a key to bring it to life ( usually the control key) kavi starts into the mplex mode, but I know it hasn't finished the transcode part, because the mpeg file is way too small ( and I know this for fact when I play it). and once it has completed my computer slows WAY down, and when I run top I see these processes stil running, even after I have exited from kavi: 10399 root 15 0 58264 26m 1312 S 45.2 3.5 21:16.45 transcode 10409 root 16 0 26136 21m 1040 R 43.5 2.9 19:01.80 mpeg2enc 10410 root 15 0 2224 1084 476 S 5.6 0.1 3:38.45 mp2enc see the mem use of these?? 45% and 43% and 5%. any ideas?? -- Paul Cartwright Registered Linux user # 367800 X-Request-PGP: http://home.comcast.net/~p.cartwright/wsb/key.asc