I'm setting up a print server which is headless, where the only login is ssh from a desktop.
When I boot this box, I have no way of knowing the soonest I can log in. I downloaded a "beep" program from the internet, and I need to know the point I can insert a script to ring the internal speaker a few times. It would have to be right at the end of the boot process, before mingetty is called.
-- It will be advantageous to cross the great stream ... the Dragon is on the wing in the Sky ... the Great Man rouses himself to his Work. -- It will be advantageous to cross the great stream ... the Dragon is on
I just came across something that brings up another question. The print server I was talking about has no graphics; I am administering it using the character based yast over ssh. In the "Hardware" section, I don't see the printer setup listed. Anyone know why not? On Mon, 2004-05-31 at 22:47, Tim Hanson wrote: the wing in the Sky ... the Great Man rouses himself to his Work.