El Jue 07 Oct 2004 19:05, Anders Johansson escribió:
On Friday, 8 October 2004 00.59, you wrote:
So what should I put into the 'work path' directive of the KDE Control Panel's file associations module, to be able to start java apps with a click on their respective executable jar file, wherever it is located?
I don't think it's possible to set a macro in the work path. I've been looking through the source of kdelibs, and it looks like it's never macro expanded
Thanks to the bearer of not-so-good news. Would others think this would be a nice feature to have? After all, it often doesn't make sense to specify a fixed work path for a general file type association, and in my special case of executable jar files it's almost always necessary to switch to the directory where the jar file is located.
One workaround would be to create a shell wrapper that takes a parameter to set the working directory and does a cd to it before launching the application, then you could run that wrapper using the %d macro in kde's exec line
Thanks once more for this suggestion, I will give it a try. I also can simply create a shortcut for this specific app on the desktop, where I then can specify the rspective work path. I just wished I could launch the app from within Konqueror. -- Andreas Philipp Noema Ltda. Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia