hi use 'eznet' to dial and hang up ('eznet up' and 'eznet down' respectively). it is VERY easy to use. search for it at www.linuxburg.com hope this helps, Andrew ----- Original Message ----- From: rjohns <rjohns@otenet.gr> To: <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: 29 December 1999 15:53 Subject: [SLE] Automating mail for a newbie
I finally got a real modem and afterconfiguring wvdial I am now proud to display my sig file.
My request-
Can someone post a sample fetchmailrc file. fetchmailconfig doesn't work for me (it will not save the user information).
I want to be able to have a cron job dial the ISP, collect and send the mail, perform any ftp jobs and then hang up. Can I do this with wvdial? I haven't figured out how to hang up wvdial automatically.
-- 100% MS FREE
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