Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: Blocking PackageKit: Message-ID : <a30c005f-fa87-4715-8c2a-fc1ac58c05ac@gmx.com> Date & Time: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 20:48:34 -0600 [pj] == -pj via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> has written: [...] pj> I have thankfully found a tutorial provided by an advanced user < pj> https://forums.opensuse.org/u/karlmistelberger What did you see ...... (_ _? pj> Machine 1, (Dell Optiplex 3010): systemctl list-unit-files packagekit* pj> UNIT FILE STATE PRESET pj> packagekit-background.service static - pj> packagekit-offline-update.service static - pj> packagekit.service static - pj> packagekit-background.timer disabled disabled pj> Machine 2, (MSI Z170A GAMING M5 (MS-7977,i5 6600k) < hightower-i5-6600k:~> systemctl list-unit-files packagekit* pj> UNIT FILE STATE PRESET pj> 0 unit files listed. pj> Can you help me understand why the 2 machines listed above display pj> different output for the same command? You just searched for service units that contained the name "packagekit", and Machine2 is just saying that it doesn't exist. Why don't you look up the meaning of static in systemctl? Best Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "During testing, Sakana found that its system began unexpectedly attempting to modify its own experiment code to extend the time it had to work on a problem." -- Research AI model unexpectedly attempts to modify its own code to extend runtime (ars TECHNICA) --