David, et al -- ...and then David C. Rankin said... % ... % Just since the 90's the declination in my area has changed by 5% (and that's % at 31.7N latitude). Go further north or south and the change is multiples of % that number. [snip] If this goes any further I'll have to start filing these in my Flying mailbox rather than the SuSE mailbox :-) But one of the things I enjoy covering with my students is how the North Pole moves and the compass may be lying to you (more than it already does, of course) and whip out historical Atlanta sectionals to see the march of the variation lines across as time goes on. Yes, it definitely wanders! It's a fun, small world :-) HAND :-D -- David T-G, PP (ASEL), SIA (ASEL), LSR-M See http://justpickone.org/davidtg/email/ See http://justpickone.org/davidtg/tofu.txt