<PRE> On 11-Jan-99 James (Jim) Hatridge wrote about the following Problem with your mail : || || [Part 1, "signed PGP message" Application/PGP 1.9KB] || [Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a file] || || HI Kim; || || The two lines above are all that I'm getting from your postings on the || SuSE list. Are you running hmtl only? Or is there something else || wrong? || You are the only one on the list doing this. What that is is my pgp signature attached as a mime file. I became tired of the extra text being appended to the body of my messages. So there is nothing wrong on your end. --- Kim C. Callis -- kcc@ziplink.net ********************************* * When it absolutely, * * Positively has to be * * Destroyed over night! * * * * (800) MARINES * ********************************* </PRE> <A HREF="pgp00012.pgp"> PGP signature</A></P>