According to a web search, it is not a true Live card (no emu101k). "SB Live 24 bit is Audigy LS with diffrent ADC and DAC." according to: Which means it should use ALSA's audigyls driver, once they port whatever needs porting into their usb-audio driver.
On Mon January 24 2005 6:50 pm, Allen wrote:
On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 11:19:06PM +0100, Laurent Renard wrote:
Fred A. Miller wrote:
Is the new SB 24-bit Live #SB0410 supported in 9.2? It's not listed and wondered if anyone has tried it.
Yes it's full supported but needs a reboot after installation. You can configure it with YAST ( easy ).
I have a Sound Blaster Live in a box here that I must say was worth every penny. It was very cheap as it is but every OS I put on there, be it SUSE, Slackware or BeOS, it works without a problem. I'm going to buy another for this box and the box next to it when I can because they are so nice for the price. They are like 30 dollars brand new and that is very cheap.
I know that.......however, I called at talked to tech. support today to see if the NEW card is supported, and the answer was that he didn't think so as it's 24-bit, which ALL of the "old" Live cards have been 16-bit. That's why I asked my question the way I did.
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