Modern CPUs are hot. Nothing wrong with that, so long as you keep 'em cool. It sounds like you've got case ventilation and CPU cooler problems. Check out the overclocker's sites for information - those folks are using every trick in the books. Bill Sheehan Postmaster 617-373-7927 steve <fsanta@arrakis. To: SuSE <> es> cc: Subject: Re: [SLE] New Athlon Crashes -- Temperature? Kernel? 04/28/02 08:15 AM Please respond to mail Does this thread apply to the old AMD 1100 too? Just now, the only way we can keep our server from crashing mid afternoon is to have the case open on its side with a big upsidedown fan blowing into it. Would changing motherboards for a pentium solve thsi? Steve. On Monday 22 April 2002 22:03, you wrote:
Hey Robert,
I've got a fair amount of experience with warm Athlons. Here are the two things that worked best for me:
1. A PC Power & Cooling 400-watt Silencer power supply. It's not silent, but it's pretty quiet. More to the point, it's solid, reliable, and keeps the innards nice and cool. PC Power & Cooling also make some nice quiet 80 mm fans if you have room in your case for another exhaust fan.
2. If you have the room, the best Athlon CPU cooler out there has got to be Alpha-Novatech 8045. It's HUGE, it might not fit your motherboard (see the supported list at ) or your case (check the clearance between your CPU and anything above or beside it), and will require a complete disassembly of your system (it screws to the motherboard). You can take your pick of 80 mm fans for the top of it - I recommend the Coolermaster (~ 29db). Prior to the 8045, my Athlon averaged about 65 degrees Celsius. Now it's 45 degrees Celsius.
And if anyone working for any of the aformentioned companies would like to give me cash for my unsolicited testimonials, I'll happily accept.
Bill Sheehan Postmaster 617-373-7927
"Robert C. Paulsen Jr." To: "Robert C. Paulsen Jr." <robert@paulseno <>>
cc: Subject: Re: [SLE] New Athlon
-- Temperature? 04/22/02 02:32 Kernel? PM
To all who gave me feedback on this...
After discussing this with someone at work I think the real problem may be an overloaded/overheating power supply. This is based on the symptoms -- more than half the crashes are actually the power cycling. There is a "click" and the system reboots.
When I get home I am going to check to see what the wattage of my power supply is. In any case, I ordered an interesting fan. It sits in the case either behind or replacing the intake fan at the bottom front of the case and has ductwork to direct most of the air towards the top of the case where the CPU, power supply, and video card are located. All these have been suggested to me as the possible problem.
On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 09:16:14PM -0500, Robert C. Paulsen Jr. wrote:
I just replaced my motherboard/processor. Had a 300mhz Pentium II and swapped it with an AMD Athlon 2000+. I am having trouble in that the system crashes after an hour or so of use. Runs all night if left alone.
I added an extra fan to the case. BIOS reports CPU at 125 degrees F, case at about 95 degrees F. Is this too hot?
Is it possible I should be using a different kernel for Athlon?
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