Christopher Mahmood wrote:
* p_s ( [030131 12:00]:
Got the server shutdown and up again with this, but no progress.. still only
Export list for
Please ignore the people who are suggesting that you change filesystems or do other drastic things.
Wildcards don't work with IP addresses. You need to either use hostnames or the network plus netmask (e.g., Also, the IPs need PTR records as well as A records (i.e., the forward and reverse lookups should work). If you aren't using dns it's enough to fill out /etc/hosts on both the server and clients.
This solved the case... I simlply added each other to /etc/hosts and then restarted 'rcnfsserver restart' and right away I was able to see exports wtih showmount -e <server> got them mounted and sharing works like charm. Thanks to all participant. This was one long thread :-) have a pleasant weekend, spend it well, spend it tinkering an hacking ! P_s