Thanks that's hugely helpful ;) Not being familiar with all 900 lines of the man page I eventually found --force as an option. I.e. rpm --force -ihv suse-build-key-1.blahblah which works. However, is there something helpful in the man page for when that doesn't fix the problem I am having - I still get the same error. Cheers, Jon. Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Jonathan Brooks <jonathan.brooks@human-anatomy.oxford.ac.uk> [02-20-05 15:15]:
Thanks - at last I seem to be getting somewhere. I have downloaded the suse-build-key rpm, but when I come to install it:
rpm -Uhv suse-build-key....
It states that it is already installed. How do I get round this problem?
man rpm
will give you the answer. This is what man pages are for.
-- Jonathan Brooks (Ph.D.) Research Fellow PaIN Group, Department of Human Anatomy & Genetics University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QX tel: +44(0)1865-282654 fax: +44(0)1865-282656