Here is the problem after much searching. Either the SAMBA RPM's or the CUPS RPM's are not providing the smb backend. If you check /?/cups/backend/
It is fixed. I just had to restart the cups daemon after linking the backend to the smb print spooler. DUH! NeoFax -----Original Message----- From: Mark Daglish [] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:23 PM To: Milnes Terry SSgt 52 OSS/OSOMS Subject: Re: [SLE] CUPS and SAMBA Printer there
should be a smb backend that allows cups to get a samba connection. Now I checked the cups docs to see how to rectify this. It states to do a ln -s 'which smbspool' > /?/cups/backend/smb . I have tried this and it does not work. I have also tried to setup a spool by running smbspool //ARTEMUS/HP697C . This does not work. I am using the 2.0.9 samba rpm's from the 7.0 update directory and the default 1.1.6 cups rpm's from the 7.1pro cd. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Sorry mate, I just installed CUPS "straight out of the box" and with the right samba-2.0.9-0.rpm & smbclnt-2.0.9-0.rpm. It looks like your problem is beyond me. Mark