At 09:00 AM 07/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
What is the easiest way for me to update my 2.0.33 kernel to the 2.03.35 kernel? Also, where are some good sites that cover kernel updating (preferably dealing with suse)?
The easiest way to update the Kernel is to go to the following Website:
<A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>>
You will then see a link towards the patch upgrade to 2.0.35! So, download this patch, copy it to the /usr/src/ directory. This site also contains information on how to apply the patch as well.
A while back, there was some discussion that the SuSE kernel RPM is already patched with additional stuff on top of the official kernel and that application of kernel update patch may not work. Is this not true any more? -- Arun Khan - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e