Oh boy, you are really pissed aren't you. Well I am a newbie on Linux and I joined this list just a couple of days ago and when I read something about Linux being the best and M$ being the worst, then I thought, oh no, not another MS vs Linux discussion list. First of all: You had a little fun poked at you, but I guess it was not interpreted that way. It was not my intention to attack anyone personally, so hereby: Ben Rosenberg: My true apologies. Second: It was just my intention to state that I get bored of such discussions. I am a Windows user, yes, I am, and in my company we are thinking about having a Linux box to act as file- print- and mailserver for Windows-clients. So if anyone want to say that windows is bad and linux is good, well do so somewhere else, because I already know about the pros and cons of MS. I just want my Linux box to interact with some Windows boxes and that's it. I dont care if someone thinks I make a mistake or whatever but don't say it because I am not interested. When I have a question about M$Outlook communicating with sendmail I don't want to hear that I'd better drop Windows and get a Linux workstation, or something in that kind, because if I wanted to do so, I would have already done it and would not ask such questions. Third: About my going to hell: I won't, I will just keep on this list and hope of some fine answers on my questions which will undoubtfully be about Windows interacting with a Linux server. A little joke about Microsoft or Linux or whatever is OK every now and than, it's fun, it's good, but I still do want a serious answer on my questions. I hope you all are professionals enough to forgive me my (not intended) mistake. Grtx Hans Bouwers