I've just bought SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional.(After almost 2 years on redhat.) Althought it seems like I will get reasonable suggestions on how to partition during boot, and although there are some hints in the documentation that came with the cds/DVD, I thought I'd ask for advice first. My harddrive has 13GB left when redhat is gone. Now I know that quite a lot software will be installed in /opt. Should I set up and how large should an /opt partion be? What about /usr and /usr/local? I would appreciate some suggestions before I start. (On RedHat I spent to much time finding a sensible partitioning scheme on my harddrive.) -- Øystein Olsen, oystein.olsen@astro.uio.no, http://folk.uio.no/oeysteio Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, http://www.astro.uio.no University of Oslo, Norway