Hi: I put a Panasonic SW-9573 DVD drive into my Suse 9.1 machine. It works fine, except KDE and/or Suse's Windows-like "let's try to think for the user" silliness is causing the following problem: I put in a DVDROM to read, went to Konqueror's "Devices" clicked the DVD, and it mounted and showed the contents as expected. Then the drive continued to spin forever, and the LED lights every few seconds. The OS just continues "checking" the media, it seems. Then if I right click and select "eject" for the DVD, it ejects, then before I can get a chance to remove the disk, it sucks it back in a remounts it! How to fix this? Thanks. -- ____________________________________ Christopher R. Carlen Principal Laser/Optical Technologist Sandia National Laboratories CA USA crcarle@sandia.gov