30 Nov
30 Nov
Message-ID: <001a01c05ac2$c82691a0$642a5dd5@chello.nl> From: "Eelco of Viola" <e.thave@chello.nl> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:43:38 +0100 Subject: Yast and ftp update Hello, I`ve installed suse 6.4 recently and am trying to update the system via ftp. However I can`t seem to get yast to connect to an ftp update site. I`ve started yast from bootfloppy and installed the netcard module. After entering all adresses (ip`s)and such yast allways closes with a directory not found on the ftp server but when I use gftp it is all there? I can`t find anny cleu`s on suse`s website or on info,man pages... greets Eelco