The Purple Tiger <> [3 Nov 2002 13:28]:
If when you next boot your machine, you type "idebus=66" when lilo boots
This option has *nothing* to do with the UDMA mode! If you would have read the message closely, you would have seen that this influences the PIO modes! To use correct timings (PIO mode has rather hard timing constraints), the code needs to now the bus speed of the system. idebus names the *system bus clock rate*, which normally is 33 MHz. This option is meant to be used when you're overclocking your system and thus possibly change the bus clock of your system (e.g. on systems where you can't set the bus speed independently from the processor clock). If you haven't changed the system clock rates, do not touch that option or you'll get *lower* transfer speed in PIO modes. Philipp -- Philipp Thomas work: Development SuSE Linux AG private: