On Friday 31 October 2003 07:37 pm, Tom Nielsen wrote:
On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 12:24, Tom Nielsen wrote: <snippage>
Now when I backed it up, I did the following "tar -czvf /mnt/windows/C/tmp/backup.zip /home/tom" When I look at my windows drive, I can see the file in there and the size is 1.2gb. I have another zip file which I did of my /srv directory and I can't access that either.
I don't have an answer that you will like, but I can sympathize , and do. I lost a whole months work that way, tho in my case it was all Linux stuff <sigh> Someone told me then that there is (often?) trouble w/ tared archives. Tho I'm sure many never have even a sniff of a problem, I just bought more cd's and backup uncompressed files .. That is uncompressed unless the file is a download that I got tarred , zipped , gzipped etc. Those seem most of the time to be okay.. IT sounds like your files might still be intact. Mine gave the impression that everything was peachy.. it wasn't, adn to thig day I can't get anything more than I got when I tried to put it back onto a nice clean new install..