On 9/4/24 3:23 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:
Devs, all,
I've been stuck doing a "zypper se eigen" for 30 minutes waiting for repositories to update. The problematic repo on Tumbleweed is the default "openSUSE-*-0.repo" that has
baseurl=http://mirror.fcix.net/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/ Probably a silly side track, but why are you using an http: link rather than an https: one?
Not a silly sidetrack at all.. I didn't do any of the repo choosing -- this is from a new TW install in July. So whatever repos there are related to .../oss/repo/ and .../non-oss/repo/ -- Tumbleweed did. Now I did remove the openSUSE cdn packages due to this same problem, and whatever repos it automatically restored is what I have now. I disabled the nutty 'openSUSE-*-0.repo' named repo that was where this near-dead repo was. The irony is the repo started to refresh -- but then took so damn long to build the repo metadata -- that the repo xml file on that host changed and it invalidated the 1/2 hour I had waited for that repo to refresh. (thankfully I got eigen3-devel installed) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.