Since he used the rpm version, no need to uninstall first (i.e rpm -V OpenOffice_org will verify the rpm files). He could also add the build repository for OpenOffice Stable to get a newer version via Yast. HTH.
Right, but since this was all done in YAST... I don't use YAST much at all to do my software management... on 10.2 I do it all via Smart an the various repositories, or command line.. and even then I tend to use "smart install some.rpm" so that the dependencies are (usually) resolved on the fly Some questions so I understand and learn something here... Is it easy/possible to verify the RPM files from within YAST? What are you verifying them against? How will this help with the possible problem of multiple versions installed as the original poster indicated (this would mean a broken RPM database? or something else?)? C. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: