-----Original Message----- From: Robert Metelsky <reefkeep@connix.com>
Apparently suse 5.3 sees the harddisk geometry as 4092/16/63
I've had to add a bios update card by Micro firmware the bios IDE adapter config menu reads as follows ISA Legacy Interface Assignments ISA Primary 1F0h autotype IRQ:14 ISA Secondary 170h autotype IRQ:15 ISA Tertiary 1E8h autotype IRQ:11 ISA Quaternary 168h autotype IRQ 10
Seems to me like you have a spanking new EIDE/UDMA drive connected to a rather old machine..... ( IDE adapters running on an ISA bus instead of EIDE on a PCI bus ) If this is the case your machine(bios) doesn't support LBA mode EIDE which would remap the drive to something like 675cyl/255heads/16sectors..... if this is the case... I THINK that the old isa buses can't handle more that 1024/63/16 or something like that which would account for only being about to get 1meg. I don't see this a being a Linux related prob, but more like a hardware/bios issue. Just my uneducated guess on the matter. Glad to give you more if you like.....
Device configuration ISA Primary 1F0h Device 0 (master) [Maxtor 90576D4]
BIOS version 1.61 BIOS feature codes AHM
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