Monday, 30 January 2006 20:22 samaye, Kenneth Schneider alekhiit:
Two PC's cannot mount and use the same partition at the same time. Therefore there is nothing to work around except your logic.
Hey hey, don't get angry. How should I know the internals of VMWare? I boot to Windows very rarely nowadays. You expect me to know the workings of a Windows application? (Yes I am aware that VMWare is available for Linux too.)
Also this would be best asked on the suse-linux-e list.
I did not start the thread. I chanced upon it and it seemed to me that Corne Beerse knew something about VMWare so I could ask him. I now realize I should have written to him offlist. -- Penguin #395953 resides at subsisting on SUSE Linux 10.0 with KDE 3.5