->Some nice new things and looks to several programs have been made too. ->No problems with my Radeon card Ben. Everything solid there, same as ->it was with 8.0. So far, a very nice update for me and another ->"ataboy" for SuSE! I guess I didn't update the list about what I think the actual problem was that I had with 8.1. I was told by another user that my A7V Motherboard bios was too old. I was using release 1008 and the newest version was 1011 which has no problems with 8.1. Apparently it has to do with this silly powermanagement stuff among other things. I have absolutely no issues with 8.1 at work using a Compaq Deskpro (PIII800) w/ the ATI 7500 Radeon. The only reason I haven't reinstalled 8.1 is because I just simply don't have time when I get home and I'm just to tired/lazy. ;) I get around to it...and if 8.2 comes out before I do. I'll probably just go straight to that. :) Cheers! -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I tell you what you should see.