* Michael Hoeller (MichaelHoeller@t-online.de) [021203 12:28]:
I want to download some files which are younger than a given date. How can I do this? I only can use the command line. I tried mget but it seems as if you can either download all files or you can compare agains a loacal file to get the updated files from the ftp server
Pretty much every utility is going to compare the remote date to the date of a local file. Disregarding the difficulties of converting date formats and time zones, I'd try using zsh's builtin ftp client in a shell script that parses the date info from the 'zfls -l' output and, if the file is newer than some date, copies it with zfcget. Install zsh and see zshzftpsys(1) for more info. Or just mount the filesystem via nfs and use find. -- -ckm