On Saturday 02 September 2006 01:05, Clayton wrote:
It might be worth noting that this happens on a clean install as well - as in format and reinstall... and do the updates including the new SMP kernel.. and the keybaord repeat goes out of control. And as always, if I roll back to the kernel on the DVD, the keyboard repeat problem goes away.
There has to be something in that kernel that is not playing well with my computer... I haven't tried the kernels from "suser-jengelh" yet.... I prefer to use the stock kernels.
You might look into "man kbdrate" to see if there is any help there. This seems to be a known bug, and there is some chatter about it here: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/66976-keyboard-repeat-rate.... and here: (suggesting 10.2 kernel): http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/index.php?showtopic=41661&pid=185490&st=0entry185490 By the way, I'm using -- _____________________________________ John Andersen