Hey all, For those of us in Sweden, linuxstore.se said they'll start taking pre-orders for SuSE 8.1 sometime this weekend. 8.0 was a nice upgrade from 7.3, but I have to admit I'm looking forward to 8.1 even more, esp. with the new installation stuff. Questions arise, though... 1- 8.1 comes with Apache 2.0.40 . I'm still using 1.x, and haven't tried 2.x because I've heard of problems concerning compatibility with outside services, like PHP. I'm a Perl CGI scripter at heart, but have been studying PHP to use if needed some day. Will I be able to do this with the new Apache? If not, will SuSE come with the old Apache as well? Or can I install it alongside the new Apache? Ugh, loaded question. ;-) 2- Generally speaking, will RPMs I built (with checkinstall) in the 8.0 system work on 8.1? I'm looking at the new gcc that comes with it. I'm not that familiar with incompatibility problems, but I've heard that there may be. I compiled with the gcc that came with 8.0. Or would it be best to recompile these with the newer gcc? 3- Having an i686 system, should I expect much of a difference in using 8.1 (optimized for i586) over 8.0 (optimized for i386)? I have no clue when it comes to this question. My computer is used mainly for web design/CGI scripting, surfing, mail and such. Work. ;-) With the occasional MAME game. Still a moron at some things, ;-) Joe