28 Jun
28 Jun
Am 28.06.21 um 21:23 schrieb James Knott:
What's a good app for creating jpgs? I'm not a graphics person, so this is a bit out of my area. I currently have some photos in pdfs, but can scan them again into whatever app.
tnx jk
i would suggest to use: pdfimages command is: pdfimages "nameofpdf" it will split all pdf images into singel files and if you have luck, you have already jpg's if you got other picture format, open it with gimp. and export there to pdf. gimp is also able to open pdf's. but i was never sure what "original" resolution (size) i have to select there to do not lose quality. and if you like to scan, use Xsane it is able to save in jpg's as far as i remember. simoN -- www.becherer.de