On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Verner Kjærsgaard <vk@os-academy.dk> wrote:
Hi list, - oh dear...
On my rather plain vanilla openSuSE11 (on a dual xeon 32bit/4G RAM) I try to install vmware server 1.0.7. Done that MANY times before - but then I ran into this when I invoke vmware-config.pl....:
---first problem----- Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "4.3.1", while you are trying to use "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.3". This configuration is not recommended and VMware Server may crash if you'll continue. Please try to use exactly same compiler as one used for building your kernel. Do you want to go with compiler "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.3" anyway? --- end of first problem ---
This is known problem with the script itself. Just hit yes - it works.
I know what it means, but wait.. I thought I was under a plain vanilla SuSE. Obviously not. How to I remedy this situation?
--- second problem --- The directory of kernel headers (version does not match your running kernel (version Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. ---end of second problem ---
No so it doesn't seem. But wait, I didn't touch the bl.... kernel. And I DID update (or so I thought) the kernel source and headers and all. It seems not, though...
Any hints? As always, - thanks a million!
check the versions of the headers and the kernel-sources packages. If they match, then you need to perform make cloneconfig && make modules_prepare in /usr/src/linux Cheers -- Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny) Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just a pile of scrap.