Joachim Schrod wrote:
Carl William Spitzer IV wrote:
linux:/home/cwsiv # du -hx --max-depth=1 / 16K /lost+found 66M /etc 1.0K /boot 0 /home 0 /proc 0 /sys 0 /dev 12K /media 604M /var 88M /lib 6.5M /bin 4.0K /mnt 2.1G /opt 3.6M /root 11M /sbin 1.4M /srv 1.4G /tmp 3.3G /usr 4.0K /subdomain 11G /
This does not fit; the subdirectories add up only to 9G, not 11G. Clean up your /tmp (1.4 GB) and look for the missing 2GB. That leaves you with 8GB, which is not too uncommon for an installation with KDE and/or GNOME installed.
Well, we are both on the same track :-) but I made the total to be 7.6G and not 9G. For comparison, the stats for my setup is: 6.8M /bin 0 /dev 29M /etc 108M /lib 0 /mnt 1.2G /opt 1.3M /srv 39K /tmp 0 /sys 472M /var 3.4G /usr 14M /boot 1.0K /data 181M /home 0 /proc 14M /sbin 760K /root 0 /media 0 /subdomain 128K /windows 5.3G / Apart from /tmp where some too much 'rubbish' is being stored, somewhere there is a lot Gs being hidden. Don't know if this relevant but look at the /boot directory where the kernel (vmlinuz) etc is supposed to be residing which is showing only 1.0K but should be at least 14M now with 2 versions of the kernel in there. Cheers. -- This computer is environment-friendly and is running on OpenSuSE 10.1 -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs: