Dear God above...Either your mail client has something wrong with it or you're one confusing person...
Your language and tone of this post as well the previous ones are proof of your attitude towards the genuine concerns of all SUSE users regrading the directions that Novell has presently charted for SUSE.
What are you talking about?? This is beyond annoying, it's beyond irritating, I replied pointing out the damn horse was dead and to stop kicking it, the thing about Gnome being default was for Enterprise ONLY, not the stuff you buy at a store or use at home, and that they ditched it because we all went nuts. How did it go from that to whatever it is you're talking about here? I DON'T CARE WHAT NOVELL HAS PLANNED AND I HAVEN'T SAID A WORD ABOUT THE SUSE COMMUNITY... WHERE are you GETTING this?
I will overlook all this. Since I have accidentally sent this post to you, and have since then posted in the list, let others also see. Meanwhile let us not make it a slinging match between two of us.
???? Slinging what? You reply to everything I say with something that has NOTHING to do with what I said.... How about instead of replying to what I'm saying now on some weird crap that's never been brought up in the first place you reply to what was actually said?
This discussion is started by a SUSE user looking for alternatives, because he is not sure of the future of SUSE. He thinks that SUSE Pro is going to die and we will be left with another Fedora like entity in OpenSUSE. There is no hard evidence that this is going to happen. Or is it there?
Professional died at 9.3 and Fedora is CRAP. And if you are looking for something else why are you asking on a SUSE List in the first place? GO TO DISTRO WATCH AND FIND SOMETHING YOU LIKE and confuse THEIR lists.
But let us study the signs of times:
Novell is loosing money. This, in spite of having *the best* Linux distro to sell. Their nearest competitor is making money and holding on to 80% of the market with one of the most lousiest distros.
Novell isn't charging through the ass like RedHat is either. Maybe that's why?
SUSE co-founders and lead developers are leaving Novell in hordes. One of them left yesterday. Some of them have criticized Novell for mishandling SUSE.
What is your point? What does this have to do with a product? If Bill Gates left Microsoft do you honestly think it would change anything?
Novel decides to make Gnome the default desktop. They say it only for the Enterprise version. Not for SUSE Pro. This astonishes us. Something that is good for your Enterprise version, but not good enough for Pro? We always thought SUSE Pro and SLES were the same product with different support bundles. Now they will have different philosophies too.
Holy God above.... You're either incredibly stoned or REALLY stupid. Something good for enterprise but not home? THEY BOTH COME WITH GNOME AND KDE MAN..... Good Lord I don't think I've ever had someone that's made me want to strangle them more.... Seriously, don't reply to me anymore, I don't know what you're talking about or what portion of your ass you dug this up from and for the 1,000,000,000,000th time, THEY DECIDED AGAINST THAT CHOICE WHEN WE ALL CRIED LIKE BABYS AND EITHER WAY, GNOME AND KDE ARE BOTH THERE. Can you read aloud what I just typed? They ARE BOTH THERE, KDE, GNOME, BOTH OF THEM....
Novell claims that making Gnome default is not a big issue as it is made out. KDE will also be there. You can always have KDE if you want by just one click (or a few clicks, whatever it is). Sure it is so. But why change at all? Give us 10 good reasons for making Gnome the default desktop on SLES.
.... You have to be kidding me... MY FIRST POST SAID THAT....
Novell, when they decided to make money with Linux acquired a) SUSE and b) Ximian. Ximian people are also lead Gnome developers (it is widely believed, correct me if I am wrong). SUSE has always been KDE centric – both pro and SLES. Therefore this recent shift in SLES default is believed to be the influence of Ximian developers. SUSE users have nothing against Gnome. Many actually use Gnome only. But when outsiders start making subtle changes to SUSE – starting with SLES, of course - we have to be wary. In future will SUSE be there at all? (This was the point made in the first post in this thread). Are you going change SUSE so that it will start resembling your main competitor (which we all dislike)? Etc, etc. Who is going to assure us this, now that most of the SUSE founders and lead developers have not with Novell any more?
I'm not replying to all this, you have got to be on LSD.
Our concerns are real, just as the that of SUSE user who had initiated this discussion. Let someone from Novell's SUSE division come out and address these concerns. Otherwise it will be SUSE users turn their back to Novell, like what SUSE founders and developers are doing toda> y.
OUR??? ... Oh.... It makes sense now... You're Skitzo... Whew, thought for a minute there you were normal and just incredibly dim. Now, I'm going outside and smoking, because I'm about to choke someone. It REALLY bothers me when peopel can reply with..... I'm going outside, if ANYONE here can figure out how the hell he managed to hop around from topic to topic and saying he represents "us" and "our concerns" and not only that but take words I said in my FIRST reply and repost them as his own when he not even a week ago said the opposite....