Gerhard den Hollander wrote:
* Jos van Kan <> (Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 06:24:24PM +0100)
Ed was designed with a teletype in mind (the pre-crt stage of computing) edlin was designed without anything in mind. Editing with edlin was editing with both hands tied behind your back and you had to type with your nose.
Luxury !
You had noses ?
We would have given our right arm to be able to to type with our noses.
We used punchcards, and we had to bite the holes with our teeth ..
You lucky bastards! You actually still had teeth? They hadn't been bashed in by hooligans? *We* had to drink coffee from rolled up punch cards (and you were lucky if they hadn't been punched yet) to soften them so we could *spit* holes in them. And you'd better spit them rectangular or else! Regarbf, -- Jof van Kan regifpereb Linux uver #152704