On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 16:24 +0200, Primm wrote:
On Monday 23 October 2006 14:59, Jonas Helgi Palsson wrote:
On Monday 23 October 2006 10:31, Primm wrote:
I've a laptop I've which I dual head at home with an lcd monitor. It works fine apart from videos (of any type). The laptop alone plays them fine but I can't see them on the lcd dual screen under M-player. the strange thing is that Avidemux plays them no problem at all. Under M-player I get sound but a blank blue video screen. The lcd plays them fine too when connected directly to the server. 10.1
I have a dual head setup with Matrox G450, and MPlayer behaves like that in normal mode. But if I change the video output driver to x11, MPlayer is able to play (with a moving picture) on both screens.
mplayer -vo x11 yourmovieclip.here.avi
regards j
Just got it going. Please ignore the last posting.
Now, can I make that setting stick without having to use the command line everytime?
Cheers, Steve
X11 should always work on, well, X. Your videoadapter driver can only allow one video output to be accessed directly. Not sure if its a hardware o driver issue? You can edit your xorg.conf file to choose which screen gets direct access (driver dependent) (cant remember the options, mail me directly if your stuck) x11 is much slower than xv (default) E-Mail disclaimer: http://www.sunspace.co.za/emaildisclaimer.htm