On Saturday 01 Oct 2005 21:59, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
On Saturday 01 October 2005 4:31 pm, Adam Vazquez Kb2jpd Internet Mobile w/
Treo wrote:
Nothing prevents you from running multiple instances of sox, for example.
That's exactly what I want to do, but it seems it's not the way you say. I 'm trying to use multiple instances of sox to record the same source (LINE-IN) (just to different files).
If this is two radio programmes AT THE SAME TIME then you cannot have them both input through the same source because you can't separate them (unless they are mono and one coming in on each stereo channel.) If they are two programmes where one immediately follows the other then you can simply split the file with any audio editor after the event. Dylan
I'm not interested in multiple sound cards. I just want to record my LINE-IN with two sox processes but it seems sox will lock the device. I did the google thing and couldn't find anything.
-- "The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out." (Chinese Proverb)