10 Sep
10 Sep
BINGO! You are the man. This fixed everything. Thanks, ..and thanks to everyone for helping on this. -=Thinker On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 18:19, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
On 09/11/2003 01:44 AM, Thinker wrote:
I am using the latest Gnome Desktop with ULB. I have both a .gnome and .gnome2 in my /home/user directory.
I logged out of the username and logged into Gnome as root, opened a terminal and typed
1. cd /home/user 2. mv .gnome gnome
Then I logged into gnome as the user and nothing had changed. I then repeated the above proceedure only this time using mv .gnome2 gnome2 and yes, a few of the shortcuts I had created were gone but the blank window when saving issue is still there.
What should I try now?
Since quanta is a KDE app, try mv .kde kde.